(environments-add)= # Adding a new environment Now that the repository is ready, we can add it to the JupyterHub via the user interface. To add the new user environment, click on the `Add New` button and provide the following information: - `Repository URL`: the URL to the repository to build the environment from - `Reference (git commit)`: the git commit hash to use - `Name of the environment`: the display name of the environment. If left empty, it will be automatically generated from the repository URL. - `Memory Limit (GB)`: the memory limit to apply to the user server. Float values are allowed (for example a value of `3.5` corresponds to a limit of 3.5GB) - `CPU Limit`: the number of cpus the user server is allowed to used. See the [JupyterHub documentation](https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/spawner.html#jupyterhub.spawner.Spawner.cpu_limit) for more info. As an example: ```{image} ../images/environments/add-new.png :align: center :alt: Adding a new image :width: 100% ``` After clicking on the `Add Image` button, the page will automatically reload and show the list of built environments, as well as the ones currently being built: ```{image} ../images/environments/environments.png :align: center :alt: Listing the environments being built :width: 100% ``` Building a new environment can take a few minutes. You can reload the page to refresh the status.