```{image} images/logo/full-logo.png :align: center :alt: Plasma Logo :width: 100% ``` Plasma, aka in French “Plateforme d’e-Learning pour l’Analyse de données Scientifiques MAssives”, aims at creating an interactive tool to teach computational analysis of massive scientific data. Plasma was born out of the need to offer a reproducible and high-performance analysis environment to our students. Based on the Jupyter ecosystem, Plasma allows the creation and the management of isolated and highly customizable environments, with an easy deployement on bare-metal servers or virtual machines. Plasma utilizes [tljh-repo2docker](https://github.com/plasmabio/tljh-repo2docker), a [repo2docker](https://github.com/jupyterhub/repo2docker) plugin for [The Littlest JupyterHub](https://tljh.jupyter.org/en/latest/). For more details, have a look at: - The web page of the [Plasma project](https://plasmabio.org/). - Plasma public announcement: [Plasma: A learning platform powered by Jupyter](https://blog.jupyter.org/plasma-a-learning-platform-powered-by-jupyter-1b850fcd8624) (May 2020, by Jérémy Tuloup). # Documentation ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: true overview/index install/index environments/index permissions/index configuration/index troubleshooting/index contributing/index ```