(install-admins)= # Adding Admin Users to JupyterHub By default the `site.yml` playbook does not add admin users to JupyterHub. New admin users can be added by adding `admin: true` to the `users-config.yml` file from the previous section: ```yaml users: - name: foo password: PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD groups: - group_1 - group_2 admin: true ``` And re-running the `users.yml` playbook: ```bash ansible-playbook users.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu -e @users-config.yml ``` ```{warning} The list of existing admin users is first reset before adding the new admin users. ``` Alternatively it is also possible to use the `tljh-config` command on the server directly. Please refer to [the Littlest JupyterHub documentation](http://tljh.jupyter.org/en/latest/howto/admin/admin-users.html#adding-admin-users-from-the-command-line) for more info.