(install-https)= # HTTPS ```{warning} HTTPS is **not** enabled by default. **We do not recommend deploying JupyterHub without HTTPS for production use.** However in some situations it can be handy to do so, for example when testing the setup. ``` ## Enable HTTPS Support for HTTPS is handled automatically thanks to [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org), which also handles the automatic renewal of the certificates when they are about to expire. In your `hosts` file, add the `name_server` and `letsencrypt_email` variables: ```text [server] [server:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 name_server=dev.plasmabio.org letsencrypt_email=contact@plasmabio.org ``` If you have multiple servers, the `hosts` file will look like the following: ```text [server1] [server2] [server1:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 name_server=dev1.plasmabio.org letsencrypt_email=contact@plasmabio.org [server2:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 name_server=dev2.plasmabio.org letsencrypt_email=contact@plasmabio.org ``` Modify these values to the ones you want to use. Then, run the `https.yml` playbook: ```bash ansible-playbook https.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu ``` This will reload the proxy to take the changes into account. It might take a few minutes for the certificates to be setup and the changes to take effect. ## How to make the domain point to the IP of the server The domain used in the playbook variables (for example `dev.plasmabio.org`), should also point to the IP of the server running JupyterHub. This is typically done by logging in to the registrar website and adding a new entry to the DNS records. You can refer to the [documentation for The Littlest JupyterHub on how to enable HTTPS](http://tljh.jupyter.org/en/latest/howto/admin/https.html#enable-https) for more details. ## Manual HTTPS To use an existing SSL key and certificate, you can refer to the [Manual HTTPS with existing key and certificate](http://tljh.jupyter.org/en/latest/howto/admin/https.html#manual-https-with-existing-key-and-certificate) documentation for TLJH. This can also be integrated in the `https.yml` playbook by replacing the `tljh-config` commands to the ones mentioned in the documentation.