(install-users)= # Creating users and user groups on the host ```{note} By default the `site.yml` playbook does not create any users nor user groups on the host machine. This step is optional because in some scenarios users and user groups might already exist on the host machine and don't need to be created. ``` (install-users-playbook)= ## Using the users playbook The `ansible/` directory contains a `users.yml` playbook that makes it easier to create new users and user groups on the host in batches. First you need to create a new `users-config.yml` with the following content: ```yaml plasma_groups: - group_1 - group_2 - group_3 users: - name: foo password: PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD groups: - group_1 - group_2 - name: bar password: PLAIN_TEXT_PASSWORD groups: - group_3 ``` Replace the `groups`, `name` and `password` entries by the real values. User groups will be later used to adjust permissions to access environments (see {ref}`permissions-groups`). `password` should correspond to the plain text value of the user password. For more info about password hashing, please refer to the [Ansible Documentation](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/faq.html#how-do-i-generate-encrypted-passwords-for-the-user-module) to learn how to generate the encrypted passwords. When the user file is ready, execute the `users.yml` playbook with the following command: ```bash ansible-playbook users.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu -e @users-config.yml ``` By default the user home directory is created in `/home`. A custom home directory can be configured by setting the variable `home_path` in the `hosts` file. For instance: ```text [server] [server:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 name_server=dev.plasmabio.org letsencrypt_email=contact@plasmabio.org home_path=/srv/home ``` ```{note} The first time, this playbook will failed complaining with the error message `setquota: not found`. This is normal considering quotas are not yet enforced. ``` ## Handling secrets ```{warning} Passwords are sensitive data. The `users.yml` playbook mentioned in the previous section automatically encrypts the password from a plain text file. For production use, you should consider protecting the passwords using the [Ansible Vault](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_vault.html#playbooks-vault). ``` This `users.yml` playbook is mostly provided as a convenience script to quickly bootstrap the host machine with a predefined set of users. You are free to choose a different approach for managing users that suits your needs. ## Set Disk Quotas Users can save their files on the host machine in their home directrory. More details in {ref}`persistence-user-data`. If you would like to enable quotas for users to limit how much disk space they can use, you can use the `quotas.yml` Ansible playbook. The playbook is heavily inspired by the excellent [DigitalOcean tutorial on user quotas](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-filesystem-quotas-on-ubuntu-18-04). Check it out for more info on user and group quotas. ```{warning} It is recommended to do the initial quota setup **before** letting users connect to the hub. ``` ### Finding the source device Run the `quotas.yml` playbook with the `discover` tag to find out the device and path on which to apply quota: ```bash ansible-playbook quotas.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu --tags discover ``` The output will be similar to: ```text msg: |- LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 defaults 0 0 LABEL=UEFI /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 0 ``` or ```text msg: |- /dev/disk/by-uuid/55fe8be8-0e4e-46cd-a643-d74284eae15a / ext4 defaults 0 0 /dev/disk/by-uuid/ecae1a6e-f240-4f3c-adda-56d22691f159 /srv ext4 defaults 0 0 ``` In our case, we want to apply quotas on device `LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs` that is mounted on path `/`. Copy these values in the `hosts` file: ```text [server] [server:vars] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 name_server=dev.plasmabio.org letsencrypt_email=contact@plasmabio.org quota_device_name=LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs quota_device_path=/ ``` ```{warning} Be extra cautious when reporting the device name and path in the `hosts` file. A typo could prevent to mount your device and require a physical intervention on the server (or a reset if its a virtual machine). ``` ### Enabling quotas To enable quotas on the machine, execute the `quotas.yml` playbook (this time without the `discover` tag): ```bash ansible-playbook quotas.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu ``` ### Setting the user quotas The `users.yml` playbook can also be used to set the user quotas. In `users-config.yml` you can define quotas as follows: ```yaml # default quotas for all users quota: soft: 10G hard: 12G plasma_groups: - group_1 - group_2 - group_3 users: - name: foo password: foo groups: - group_1 - group_2 # override quota for a specific user quota: soft: 5G hard: 10G - name: bar password: bar groups: - group_3 ``` Then re-run the `users.yml` playbook as mentioned in {ref}`install-users-playbook`. For example, if a user exceeds their quota when creating a file from the terminal inside the container, they will be shown the following message: ```text foo@549539d386e5:~/plasmabio-template-python-master$ fallocate -l 12G test.img fallocate: fallocate failed: Disk quota exceeded ``` On the host machine, a user can check their quota by running the following command: ```text foo@test-server:~$ quota -vs Disk quotas for user foo (uid 1006): Filesystem space quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sda1 16K 5120M 10240M ``` If the quota is exceeded and the user tries to create a new notebook from the interface, they will be shown an error dialog: ```{image} ../images/install/quota-exceeded.png :align: center :alt: User quota exceeded :width: 80% ``` On the host machine, an admin can check user quotas by running the following command: ```text ubuntu@plasmabio-pierrepo:~$ sudo repquota -as *** Report for user quotas on device /dev/sda1 Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days Space limits File limits User used soft hard grace used soft hard grace ---------------------------------------------------------------------- root -- 3668M 0K 0K 160k 0 0 daemon -- 64K 0K 0K 4 0 0 man -- 1652K 0K 0K 141 0 0 syslog -- 1328K 0K 0K 11 0 0 _apt -- 24K 0K 0K 4 0 0 lxd -- 4K 0K 0K 1 0 0 landscape -- 8K 0K 0K 3 0 0 pollinate -- 4K 0K 0K 2 0 0 ubuntu -- 84K 0K 0K 16 0 0 foo -- 16K 5120M 10240M 4 0 0 bar -- 16K 10240M 12288M 4 0 0 #62583 -- 4K 0K 0K 2 0 0 ``` ### Creating user in batches The {ref}`batch-users` section details another way to create users in batches.