

HTTPS must be enabled to be able to access Cockpit. Refer to HTTPS for more info.

Installing Cockpit

cockpit is not installed by default as a monitoring tool for the server.

First make sure HTTPS is enabled and the name_server variable is specified in the hosts file. See HTTPS for more info.

Then execute the cockpit.yml playbook:

ansible-playbook cockpit.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu

The Plasma TLJH plugin registers cockpit as a JupyterHub service. This means that Cockpit is accessible to JupyterHub admin users via the JupyterHub interface:

Accessing cockpit from the nav bar

Users will be asked to login with their system credentials. They can then access the Cockpit dashboard:


Monitoring user servers with Cockpit


Access to Docker Containers requires access to docker.

Make sure your user can access docker on the machine with:

sudo docker info

Your user should also be able to login with a password. If the user doesn’t have a password yet, you can create a new one with:

sudo passwd <username>

For example if your user is ubuntu:

sudo passwd ubuntu

To add more users as admin or change permissions from the Cockpit UI, see Changing user permissions from the Cockpit UI.

Since user servers are started as Docker containers, they will be displayed in the Cockpit interface in the Docker Containers section:

Docker Containers from Cockpit

The Cockpit interface shows:

  • The username as part of the name of the Docker container

  • The resources they are currently using

  • The environment currently in use

It is also possible to stop the user server by clicking on the “Stop” button.

Changing user permissions from the Cockpit UI


You first need to be logged in with a user that has the sudo permission.

Cockpit makes it easy to add a specific user to a certain group.

For example a user can be given the “Container Administrator” role via the UI to be able to manage Docker containers and images on the machine:

Manage user roles from the Cockpit UI