
Plasma provides default values to limit the Memory and CPU usage.


By default Plasma sets a limit of 2GB for each user server.

This limit is enforced by the operating system, which kills the process if the memory consumption goes aboved this threshold.

Users can monitor their memory usage using the indicator in the top bar area if the environment has these dependencies (see the Displaying the indicators section below).

Memory indicator in the top bar area


By default Plasma sets a limit of 2 cpus for each user server.

This limit is enforced by the operating system, which throttles access to the CPU by the processes running in the Docker container.

Users can monitor their CPU usage using the indicator in the top bar area if the environment has these dependencies (see the Displaying the indicators section below).

CPU indicator in the top bar area

Displaying the indicators

To enable the Memory and CPU indicators as shown above, the following dependencies must be added to the user environment:

  • nbresuse

  • jupyterlab-topbar-extension

  • jupyterlab-system-monitor

As an example, checkout the following two links: