Adding a new environment#

Now that the repository is ready, we can add it to the JupyterHub via the user interface.

To add the new user environment, click on the Add New button and provide the following information:

  • Repository URL: the URL to the repository to build the environment from

  • Reference (git commit): the git commit hash to use

  • Name of the environment: the display name of the environment. If left empty, it will be automatically generated from the repository URL.

  • Memory Limit (GB): the memory limit to apply to the user server. Float values are allowed (for example a value of 3.5 corresponds to a limit of 3.5GB)

  • CPU Limit: the number of cpus the user server is allowed to used. See the JupyterHub documentation for more info.

As an example:

Adding a new image

After clicking on the Add Image button, the page will automatically reload and show the list of built environments, as well as the ones currently being built:

Listing the environments being built

Building a new environment can take a few minutes. You can reload the page to refresh the status.