Deploying with Ansible#

What is Ansible?#

Ansible is an open-source tool to automate the provisioning of servers, configuration management, and application deployment.

Playbooks can be used to define the list of tasks that should be executed and to declare the desired state of the server.

Check out the How Ansible Works guide on the Ansible official documentation website for more information.

Installing Ansible#

Plasma comes with several Ansible Playbooks to automatically provision the machine with the system requirements, as well as installing Plasma and starting up the services.


We recommend creating a new virtual environment to install Python packages.

Using the built-in venv module:

python -m venv .
source bin/activate

Using conda:

conda create -n plasma -c conda-forge python nodejs
conda activate plasma

Make sure Ansible is installed:

python -m pip install ansible>=2.9


We recommend ansible>=2.9 to discard the warning messages regarding the use of aptitude.

To verify the installation, run:

which ansible

This should return the path to the ansible CLI tool in the virtual environment. For example: /home/myuser/miniconda/envs/plasma/bin/ansible

Running the Playbooks#

Check out the repository, and go to the plasma/ansible/ directory:

git clone
cd plasma/ansible

Create a hosts file with the following content:



Replace the IP corresponds to your server. If you already defined the hostname (see HTTPS), you can also specify the domain name:



If you have multiple servers, the hosts file will look like the following:





Then run the following command after replacing <user> by your user on the remote machine:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts -u <user>

Many Ubuntu systems running on cloud virtual machines have the default ubuntu user. In this case, the command becomes:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu

Ansible will log the progress in the terminal, and will indicate which components have changed in the process of running the playbook:

PLAY [all] **********************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:34:43 +0200 (0:00:00.043)       0:00:00.043 **********
ok: []

TASK [Install required system packages] *****************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:34:44 +0200 (0:00:01.428)       0:00:01.472 **********
changed: [] => (item=apt-transport-https)
changed: [] => (item=ca-certificates)
changed: [] => (item=curl)
changed: [] => (item=software-properties-common)
changed: [] => (item=python3-pip)
changed: [] => (item=virtualenv)
ok: [] => (item=python3-setuptools)

TASK [Add Docker GPG apt Key] ***************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:37:36 +0200 (0:02:51.590)       0:02:53.062 **********
changed: []

TASK [Add Docker Repository] ****************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:37:38 +0200 (0:00:02.577)       0:02:55.640 **********
changed: []

TASK [Update apt and install docker-ce] *****************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:37:45 +0200 (0:00:06.394)       0:03:02.035 **********
changed: []

TASK [Install Docker Module for Python] *****************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:13 +0200 (0:00:27.878)       0:03:29.914 **********
changed: []

PLAY [all] **********************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:16 +0200 (0:00:03.123)       0:03:33.038 **********
ok: []

TASK [Install extra system packages] ********************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:17 +0200 (0:00:01.295)       0:03:34.333 **********
changed: [] => (item=jq)
changed: [] => (item=tree)

TASK [Install ctop] *************************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:31 +0200 (0:00:13.419)       0:03:47.752 **********
changed: []

PLAY [all] **********************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:33 +0200 (0:00:02.825)       0:03:50.578 **********
ok: []

TASK [Install required system packages] *****************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:35 +0200 (0:00:01.304)       0:03:51.883 **********
ok: [] => (item=curl)
ok: [] => (item=python3)
ok: [] => (item=python3-dev)
ok: [] => (item=python3-pip)

TASK [Download the TLJH installer] **********************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:48 +0200 (0:00:13.532)       0:04:05.415 **********
changed: []

TASK [Check if the tljh-plasma is already installed] ****************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:49 +0200 (0:00:00.999)       0:04:06.414 **********
ok: []

TASK [Upgrade the tljh-plasma plugin first if it is already installed] **********************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:50 +0200 (0:00:00.728)       0:04:07.143 **********
skipping: []

TASK [Run the TLJH installer] ***************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:38:50 +0200 (0:00:00.040)       0:04:07.183 **********
changed: []

TASK [Set the idle culler timeout to 1 hour] ************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:40:00 +0200 (0:01:09.668)       0:05:16.852 **********
changed: []

TASK [Set the default memory and cpu limits] ************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:40:01 +0200 (0:00:01.053)       0:05:17.905 **********
changed: []

TASK [Reload the hub] ***********************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:40:02 +0200 (0:00:01.555)       0:05:19.461 **********
changed: []

TASK [Pull jupyter/repo2docker] *************************************************************************
Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:40:06 +0200 (0:00:03.571)       0:05:23.032 **********
changed: []

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************               : ok=18   changed=13   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0

Tuesday 07 July 2020  11:40:16 +0200 (0:00:10.626)       0:05:33.658 **********
Install required system packages --------------------------------------------------------------- 171.59s
Run the TLJH installer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69.67s
Update apt and install docker-ce ---------------------------------------------------------------- 27.88s
Install required system packages ---------------------------------------------------------------- 13.53s
Install extra system packages ------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.42s
Pull jupyter/repo2docker ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10.63s
Add Docker Repository ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.40s
Reload the hub ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.57s
Install Docker Module for Python ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12s
Install ctop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.83s
Add Docker GPG apt Key --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.58s
Set the default memory and cpu limits ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.56s
Gathering Facts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.43s
Gathering Facts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.30s
Gathering Facts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.30s
Set the idle culler timeout to 1 hour ------------------------------------------------------------ 1.05s
Download the TLJH installer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00s
Check if the tljh-plasma is already installed ---------------------------------------------------- 0.73s
Upgrade the tljh-plasma plugin first if it is already installed ---------------------------------- 0.04s

Running individual playbooks#

The site.yml Ansible playbook includes all the playbooks and will process them in order.

It is however possible to run the playbooks individually. For example to run the tljh.yml playbook only (to install and update The Littlest JupyterHub):

ansible-playbook tljh.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu

For more in-depth details about the Ansible playbook, check out the official documentation.

Using a specific version of Plasma#

By default the Ansible playbooks use the latest version from the master branch.

This is specified in the ansible/vars/default.yml file:

tljh_plasma: git+"egg=tljh-plasma&subdirectory=tljh-plasma"

But it is also possible to use a specific git commit hash, branch or tag. For example to use the version of Plasma tagged as v0.1:

tljh_plasma: git+"egg=tljh-plasma&subdirectory=tljh-plasma"

List of available playbooks#

The Ansible playbooks are located in the ansible/ directory:

  • docker.yml: install Docker CE on the host

  • utils.yml: install extra system packages useful for debugging and system administration

  • users.yml: create the tests users on the host

  • quotas.yml: enable quotas on the host to limit disk usage

  • include-groups.yml: add user groups to JupyterHub

  • cockpit.yml: install Cockpit on the host as a monitoring tool

  • tljh.yml: install TLJH and the Plasma TLJH plugin

  • https.yml: enable HTTPS for TLJH

  • uninstall.yml: uninstall TLJH only

  • site.yml: the main playbook that references some of the other playbooks

Running playbook on a given server#

If you have multiple servers defined in the hosts file, you can run a playbook on a single server with the --limit option:

ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts -u ubuntu --limit server1